Thursday, 18 November 2010

Elan Valley - weather forecast not the best!

Last year I did this beautiful race and the rain was biblical, it was a real slog of a run and although the hills were not long there were a couple of short sharp inclines to puff you out. All week the forecast has been for a cloudy but dry day and I thought I would get to see the stunning scenery without the need for wiper blades. Sadly we couldn't possibly be that lucky so the forecast is for heavy rain. Must remember a change of clothes for the journey home.
I'm looking to knock 7 minutes of last years time - fingers crossed.
My marathon training programme officially starts with this race just 149 days to go!!

Saturday, 23 October 2010

I'm back again!

A couple of weeks ago the postman delivered 2 Virgin London Marathon magazines, both had landed from page up (thus not showing who they were addressed too). One magazine said congratulations, the other said commiserations. You see when applying online I had jokingly said to my hubby, shall I apply for you too? His reply was yes and so after asking several more times to make sure I had put in his application.
I'm not the luckiest person (the hideous cold on the marathon weekend is a case in point) and so I presumed the worst. I turned over the commiserations magazine first to expose the addressee and through half closed eyes made out Mr. I quickly turned over the congratulations version and clutched it to chest...I'm in!!!!!
Please don't feel any sympathy for my hubby, he has not run one yard since applying and his relief was palpable!
Last SundayI ran the Cardiff (not quite a) half in a PB, even with the correct distance I still would have shaved about 4 minutes off my Forest of Dean time and more than 10 off last years Cardiff Half. Hopefully that will land me in good stead for 2011.
I've sorted my training programme and picked my races, this year I will be doing more miles, 3 20+ runs and it will all be starting from mid November, sub5 hours here I come!

Wednesday, 12 May 2010


How could I have possibly name is in the ballot for next year. Luckily I entered first thing in the morning as it closed in record time:-)

I'm back!!!

I can't believe it's been more than 2 weeks since that amazing day. Since then I've done 4 runs and although my first run back resulted in a PB for the route, all the rest have been a struggle. Everyone keeps saying my body is still tired, I hope so because I feel like I'm going backwards at the moment!
That said, I'm quite glad I didn't call this blog the London marathon jaunt as I'm now contemplating doing my second one in September, possibly the Robin Hood marathon. I'm giving my body a slight rest this month but will decide by early June.
The thought of doing summer training is quite appealing, loads more incentive to run during the week nights than the cold dark evenings. That said I've quite enjoyed taking it easy, I didn't run at all this weekend as wasn't feeling great Sunday morning had set the alarm though so snuggled up on the sofa and catched up on some tv, it was bliss! Now I just need to concentrate on work for awhile, just wish I could get as enthusiastic about that, I wish I was one of those people who enjoyed getting up for work and does anyone actually know that person!!

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Aches, pains, tears and...fridges!

This post was always going to be difficult as it signals the end of the journey (it sounds a bit like the X Factor now!) it's hard to put into words the experience and for all those of you who watch the marathon and get a lump in your throat and for just a second you think I wonder what it would be like then I have one thing to say to you, JUST DO IT!!!!
My weekend did not go to plan, firstly my cold turned into the worst I've had for years, on Saturday I could barely speak and my throat was killing me, worst still hubby had a stomach bug which for awhile we thought would stop him from coming along to see any of it. Step in my wonderful best friend Dolores who dropped everything and drove up to London and was tested by my lack of preparation, turned out we couldn't park near the hotel as her car would have had to stay there until 7 Sunday evening, cue drive to London City airport to park the car and trip on the DLR. We were cooking pasta at 9:30 although I guess it stopped the nerves. Amazingly I managed to get off to sleep okay, then my throat woke up at 3 and I think I probably managed about one more hours of sleep.
The nerves started to kick in when trying to force down breakfast, I think I managed half a bowl of porridge and an english muffin, sadly this was probably undone by my nervy stomach. Heading out the hotel I was attacked by the tear monster, they came from nowhere and reappeared again when Dolores said goodbye to me at the start. As per the recommendation on the runners world site, after dropping off my kit bag I headed straight for the toilet queue which after walking to the far end of the start really wasn't too bad, once I'd been I got straight back in the queue again (I still had to squat in a bush though near mile 10 surrounded by other ladies bottoms - very weird!).
The start line was full of nervous chatter, lots of comments along the lines of "what have we done?!", it took nearly 25 minutes to cross the start but from then on I wasn't really held up, I kept to my target pace until about mile 10 however I knew it couldn't last. My cold was really zapping all my energy and it was at this point that I knew my dream of a sub 5hour marathon was over. My knees started to hurt near the half way point so I stopped and asked one of the lovely St Johns ambulance people for some cold spray, it helped and kept me going until mile 17 where I knew the Runners World supporters were set up and once there I just fell into the arms of this amazing lady and burst into tears. I stayed there for about 5 minutes calming myself down and munching on the banana bread I'd left with them at the expo.
Then it was all about seeing friends and family at mile 19, I think I probably looked quite manic heading down Canary Wharf as I was just desperate to see them all, again once found I just burst into tears and let out this almost asthmatic sounding noise trying to speak whilst crying. Mum brought me back down to earth though by saying "go on stop chatting to us and run". Must admit I just needed a slight rest but on mothers orders off I ran. Mile 20 was okay, mile 21 hard, 22 harder still. Mile 23 your head says just 2 more miles however my legs were screaming "no more!". I think they made a mistake with the signs at 25 as that was definitely longer than 1.2 miles to the end! When I saw the sign saying 800 metres left, all I could think was - that's twice round a running track, I can't do that! Sadly I passed all those amazing landmarks without even really noticing them, running down the mall I heard Heaths voice scream out, he had made it down there in time to see me finish. I think I know what it would be like to find an oasis in the desert when dying of thirst because seeing that finish line was just an unbelievable feeling, crossing it was even better, having the medal put over my head was (just like the advert says) priceless!
It was quite simply the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, but having so many strangers shouting out my name, willing me on is an indescribable feeling. So many funny comments with reference to my outfit and a very sweet little girl telling me "come on Sally, I KNOW you can do it". People out on the streets handing out sweets, bands playing, stereos blasting out uplifting songs, steel drums playing the Chariots of Fire music, I passed a man with a fridge on his back, a rhino, a tiger, the angel of the north, a giraffe and an amputee who's support runner was carrying a spare leg in his rucksack. This is what is so unique about the London Marathon, it is why I'm writing this with a tear in my eye and is why I will get over the disappointment of 5 hours and 32 minutes.
This week is indeed very strange, it's all over and I'm a little bit lost, shattered and ache so much! The ballot for next year opens on May 4th, I'll be putting my name down - anyone going to join me?

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Outfit sneak preview...

Well the top is still quite tight but hoping that I'll be able to stretch it out enough for Sunday. Feel you can tell how bad my cold is by looking at my eyes, my I look tired!!

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Sniffles, last minute panics and outfit issues

It was always going to happen, on Sunday night it was the sore throat by Monday I was attacking the tissue box and now my head is full of cold but on the bright side I have 4 days to get over it. I've been busy googling all known speedy cures so am drinking loads, taking my vitamins and will be going to bed early tonight to try and sleep it off.
I did my last run last night, although dependent on how I feel on Saturday most training plans suggest jogging a couple of miles to loosen up the legs and presumably burn off a little nervous energy.
Despite the fact that I've had months to prepare, my habit of leaving everything to the last minute meant that on Monday I was panicking about the fact my only photo id (which I need for my race hip and number) was in my maiden name and of course my entry is in my married name. Prompt much deliberation over where the marriage certificate was, thankfully we found it so disaster averted!
Last night I excitedly picked up my race outfit from the printers, it looked fantastic however when I tried to put my top on I couldn't even get it over my head. Where the print has been put on the front and back it's tightened the fabric. Once I had managed to squeeze myself into the top I spent the evening stuffing extra padding inside trying to stretch it back out. Sadly it's not really helped, so on the advice of the printers it's in the washing machine trying to loosen up the print. Fingers crossed it will be okay, although looking at the weather forecast a long sleeve top and full length tights in temperatures of 22c is not ideal. Oh well, it's all part of the experience.
So, just 4 more sleeps.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

In one weeks time...

I'll be feeling even more nervous than I do now. I'm up for my last long run before the marathon and have major butterflies, the nerves have seriously kicked in.
I'm trying to calm myself by watching the F1 coverage before I drive to Monmouth to meet my fellow VLM runner Clare.
We're doing a run along the river today although there has been much debate on the Runners World forum about the length of the run, I had planned for 10 miles but general consensus says a max of 70 minutes running. Hmm decisions, decisions.
It's looking like a lovely day again so might even be really daring and wear some shorts. Had a call from the printers yesterday and my outfit is ready to collect, can't wait to get it. Will update with photo as soon as I can.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

This time next week I'll be packed and ready to go!

Had a really good run Tuesday night (thanks Trevor!) our fab Tuesday night coach never fails to come up with a new way of torturing us but it's always good, well it's good at the end anyway!
It made a change to be able to run by the river in the evening rather than having to stick to estates for good lighting, roll on the summer.
This sunny weather is definitely brightening everyone's spirits although I am a little concerned that marathon day will be too hot especially with the outfit I have planned. I was very late taking it to the printers, for some reason at the start of this week I thought I had loads of time to have it done, cam't wait to see the finished look, will take a photo and post it so you can see me whilst not looking green from nerves or white from exhaustion!
More running tonight but just doing an easy 3 - 4 miles, I'm tempted to wrap my legs in cotton wool, I couldn't bear for anything to happen now. Hope I haven't tempted fate by writing that!!
Can't believe that next thursday night I'll be driving over to my mum's for Marathon weekend, this really is a dream come true, I still have to pinch myself that it's happening and I won't just be watching it on the telly. I already have butterflies and keep getting shivers down my back with the anticipation and the best thing is next week is carb week! I know the nutritionists say it's only the 24 hours before the run that count but I figure the more carbs in my system the better and cakes are packed with carbs...I feel a weekend of baking is needed:-)

Sunday, 11 April 2010

When 13 miles is short run...

Yes it's a taper time! I meant to do 14/15 today but didn't quite make it only did 13 due to poor planning, however more significantly it was all flat - yippee - and it was all at marathon pace.
I think it shows how far I've come when I can say that 13 miles is a short run:-)
Just think, this time in 2 weeks I will have my feet up on my mum's sofa with a medal round my neck (all being well!) it's just so exciting, although my mind is constantly fighting my positive thinking by saying how are you going to manage those extra 6 miles that you've never experienced before. I know everyone says adrenaline and the crowd will pull you through but unless one of them physically gives me their legs I'm not so sure about that!
Must not give in to this negativity!
One thing I'm sure of is that I'm going to keep the Sunday runs going of 10-15 miles so I can keep that base for the next time and yes, despite the killer hills, tears, muscle aches and general tiredness I know I'm going to do this all over again.
Was lovely to have good weather this weekend, actually sat on in the garden with my book for the first time this year, just one thing though...please don't be that hot in 2 weeks otherwise the vision of sitting on mum's sofa may turn into lying in a St John's ambulance!
Sorry - positive thinking only.

Sunday, 4 April 2010

The hills are alive with the sound of screaming legs!

Apparently the hills didn't think I was paying them enough respect and so decided to murder my legs! The first 5 miles were fine, I kept to a 11 min mile pace and then met up with Fiona to do 10 miles of torture, I had no idea the hills were going to be that bad and I've run them before just not all linked up like that.
After 17 miles I was dying and landed up having to call hubby to walk with me for the last half mile just to get me back. The planned 21 turned into 20 although the flat equivalent was 21.5 with 1309 feet of climb, it took me 4hrs and 13 mins! My cold bath today was a joy although was accompanied by tears (and a cup of tea and custard creams), I really was shattered and hurting.
I know my legs are going to kill tomorrow so relieved that there's the extra day to recover.
Also glad that this is the last long run before the taper, definitely doing a lovely flat riverside run next Sunday with a max of 14 miles.
The lamb in the fridge is now being roasted tomorrow so for now it's onto the second chocolate bunny:-)

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Last long run...

Tomorrow morning I have 21 hilly miles planned, I'm meeing Fiona for 10 of them which will be a good boost to the middle section but then on my own for the last 6 so will have to have the willpower to keep running (no walking!!) which will be good training. Afterall it's all about the mental battle:-)
I've eaten my pasta, drinking plenty and will be getting an early night, fingers crossed for a confidence building run.

Wednesday, 31 March 2010


Trying to plan out a final long run route, the easiest solution is to do a repeat of a 10 miler, the last ten miles are going to be hard work in terms of visual interest but if running along the Wye then at least it will be flat which maybe is more important, also there's no chance of getting lost and adding extra miles by accident as I have a habit of doing! Forecast is not good again and think my luck may finally be over in terms of being able to dodge the bad weather. After this weekend though is the taper, 2 weekends of 15 then 10's the big one!!

Sunday, 28 March 2010

PB - yippee!!!

Today was the Forest of Dean half marathon, with all the training I've been doing I was expecting a faster time than Cardiff although I also knew how tired I've been feeling.
Sooo excited as smashed the Cardiff time of 2:23 by 7 minutes, my time was 2:16:40 so very very happy. This sets me up quite nicely now for 4 weeks time.
Weather was beautiful today, yet again I cheated the yucky forecast! Going to celebrate with an ice pack on my knee whilst relaxing on the sofa:-)))

Monday, 22 March 2010


I am still in a world of pain today!
My thighs are screaming at me every time I get up and move, think the key is not to sit around for too long that way they won't have time to seize up. Therefore a very easy 3 miles is planned for tomorrow just to get them moving again. It's the Forest of Dean Half Marathon on Sunday so need to be fit again for that, have a target time but I'm not saying it out loud:-)

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Week off then a Beautiful, Torturous Race

What a week, after my pathetic 7 miles last weekend I felt completely tired out. I'd had a lovely weekend with Doe and Matt and enjoyed an easy walk up Garway Hill on the Saturday, on Sunday morning however I ached all over. On Monday I still ached and had the shivers and generally felt yucky, even worse I had the tingle of a start of a cold sore which by Tuesday had spread over my entire top lip and a little on the bottom, very attractive. I booked a sports massage for Tuesday night which I knew was going to hurt, I was actually quite surprised and although there were moments of pain it was not so bad. Josie had said that my legs would ache the next day which they didn't really although they felt bruised to touch. I'd decided to give my legs a weeks break and do no training before my 20 mile race at Rhayader. The forecast for the race was not good, plenty of rain with the wind picking up, thankfully it stayed dry the entire race and wow, it was stunning. There's a killer hill about 3 miles in up the mountain road (the name says it all!) and this hill lasts for a good few miles. I plodded all the way up not stopping once and managed to keep plodding with no walk breaks, I was overtaken by a few people several times as when they started to walk I continued to plod it was a real game of cat and mouse all the way up. All my hill training is beginning to pay off, worryingly it is the flats that cause me the biggest issues. Once at the top you are rewarded with the view and a good downhill section. At this point I ran with a lovely Chepstow Harrier runner known as Zoom, I think her name was Susie. I lost her on the flatas she flew off, but there were some very friendly local runners who kept telling me what I had in store before the end of the race which was very helpful. At mile 18 my ankle started to hurt, to the point that I had to walk briefly, I wished then that I had some cold spray as I think that would have gained me a couple of minutes. I finished in 3:55:11 which was 5 minutes over what I wanted but is a good boost for the marathon. Most importantly I didn't hit the wall.
This morning, I can't walk and have just had to crawl down the stairs. My right knee does not feel good, think this will be another week of taking it easy before the Forest of Dean half! It was my birthday on Friday too so might actually treat myself to a glass of wine today:-)

Friday, 12 March 2010

Not feeling it today...but not going to worry

I knew from mile 1 today that my long run wasn't going to happen. For a start it felt alien to be doing it on a Friday trying to cram it into daylight hours and I had not eaten properly during the day. Firstly my left shin felt tight which made my running gait feel odd but more importantly I felt some pain in my right knee which has been my fear throughout all my training, it wasn't prolonged pain but a short stabbing sensation. So after 7 miles I called it a day, it took me an hour and 25 mins just to do that! Tomorrow I have my best friend Dolores and her hubby Matt coming to stay, hence the need for the run today. We'll be doing a lovely walk tomorrow so I'm hoping that will count as time on feet:-)
Before last weekends great 18.8 miles I would have been seriously fretting about no LSR but I think maybe my legs need a slight rest before next weeks 20 mile race.
I've just watched Eddie Izzard's documentary episode 2 and find him so inspiring, I know I can do this the only real pressure is target time.
So, I'm going to enjoy this weekend, even treat myself to a couple of drinks. If I can get out for a quick 5 miles on Sunday then that would be good but if I don't it is not the end of the world.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

From Tortoise to Hare!

I have to share this with someone! Tonight despite my longing for the sofa and general tiredness I ran really well. With my long runs averaging 12 minute miles I've been really slowing down, until tonight! 3.6 miles in 34 mins, av of 9:29 min miles, wooo hoooo!!! Of course I was nearly dying at the end and very nearly tasted dinner again but I did it. In fact I think if I hadn't have eaten so late I might have knocked another half minute off my time. Just need to ice pack my knee now.

Monday, 8 March 2010

The Marathon and beyond...

Someone asked me last week, what happens after the marathon, once I've crossed the finish line and I've returned home.
I must admit this whole experience has taken over my life, as hard as the training is I'm loving it, the long run on a Sunday round beautiful scenery is not a chore even if I do curse the last mile or so. The marathon finds it's way into every thought I have and creeps into most my conversations, I really will miss this experience. Then of course there's the guilt free eating, who cares about a doughnut when you've just burnt off 1500 calories in one morning:-) I guess I'll just have to find another challenge, maybe the Snowdon Marathon or a 30 mile Ultra.
There is just one thing I won't miss and that's tired Mondays, I don't normally have aching limbs but I am definitely Zombie like and I'm struggling to stay awake through Glee!

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Nearly 19 miles run, who would have thought it!

I am feeling rather self satisfied today, although it was a hard slog I managed 18.8 miles averaging 12 minute miles which is my best performance yet for a long run. Really chuffed and the route was beautiful with near perfect weather.
Feeling loads better now about the 20 mile race in 2 weeks time, hoping to do it in just over 4 hours.
Off to cook well deserved sausage and mash now.

Friday, 5 March 2010

Sleep deprivation

Yesterday was my works sales conference, I was very good with my alcohol consumption, whilst all around me seemed to be getting more merry I refrained thinking of my training run today. However, I can't be that smug as although I might have hit the soft drinks I didn't go to bed until 3 and then didn't sleep well so only had about 5 hours and am now feeling rather tired and the thought of doing a 6 mile run now does not thrill me. Thankfully I did do 5.6 on Wednesday so I guess I could skip it but something tells me that is not the right attitude. The weather is perfect outside so maybe a compromise run would work. Just a short one round the block about 3 miles but have a hard hill to compensate. Right, better get changed before I sink further into the sofa. With 18 miles planned for Sunday I hopefully would have run 30 miles this week, that's more like it. Stop typing get running!!!

Sunday, 28 February 2010

No mad dog, more lambs and less hills

The weather was not as bad as the forecast, although it was a rainy start to the run it soon cleared up and without the cold wind in the more the exposed areas it would have been good running weather.
I tried a new local route and despite a couple of overly long roads which looked like they were going on for miles it was a very pretty route. 15.5 miles done today, a mile and a half longer than I intended but I felt good half way so thought I'd carry on, of course by mile 10 I was regretting this decision but my legs are getting used to running whilst tired and lead like which can only be a good thing! It's the big 18 next week, eekkkk!! Going to try and add in an extra easy run this week on Wednesday to up my mileage.
The really good news is that my sniffles that started on Friday appear to have gone away, fingers crossed.

Saturday, 27 February 2010

May regret not running today!

Today was supposed to be rainy, tomorrow snowy.

Today turned out to be the perfect day for running and tomorrow the forecast is now for heavy rain all day. I woke this morning at 8:30 which again would have been ideal but I wasn't in the right mindset for a long run, in my head Sunday = long run. I guess I need to get used to running in all weathers but I really hope the forecast is wrong. I'll have to change my planned route if it's as bad as they say it will be. Should be 14 miles tomorrow, the choice is hilly or flat, I know which one I would prefer!

Will report back tomorrow!

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Sponsorship boost!

This week I received confirmation of a lovely and exciting boost to my sponsorship. Bravissimo (them of the bra's for us overly blessed ladies) have agreed to sponsor me in exchange for me putting their logo across my boobs and bottom. It really does make a difference having people so enthusiastically supporting you and in Bravissimo's case in more ways than one! Over half way now for the sponsorship target, it's full steam ahead!

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

New born lambs, mad dogs and hills, hills, hills!

I had been given a lovely surprise from hubby of a meal out for valentines day, the only slight issue was that I needed to be back from my run by 12:15 at the latest. With that in mind I picked my route, another local one to avoid the added time of the drive home from Monmouth. Sunday morning was perfect running weather, cold but sunny and crisp and everywhere looked beautiful. I was enjoying a few tunes on the ipod and (sort of) happily running when all of a sudden bursting from a driveway was a mad dog, I let him take a smell of my hand and he sort of looked me up and down. As he had calmed down I started to run again and he seemed happy enough and he trotted back up the drive however he obviously decided I wasn't running fast enough and to be fair he was probably right and he came bounding after me again. It was a great incentive to run faster and he grew bored and ran back home thankfully. Not long after the mad dog I saw my first lambs of the season, they look so cute when there all bambi like still finding their feet. This was the first time I was adding the summit of Garway Hill into the run and what a day to pick, the view was absolutely stunning and so I used it as an excuse for a water and jelly bean break. The really good thing about being high up appreciating the view was that apart from the odd little uphill it was pretty much downhill from here. In the end I was out for a total of 2 hours and 52 minutes and had to crawl up the stairs when I arrived back. Sadly there was no time for a cold bath so I had to make do with a shot of cold from the shower to calm my leg muscles down. These hills don't seem to be getting any easier. Definitely in need of a flatter long run this Sunday.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010


I've entered the Rhayader Round the Lakes 20 mile race, I did the 10 miler in October in the pouring rain in the same area and so I thought this would be a beautiful pre marathon run. I have since looked at the route map which can be viewed at Thank you very much Steve for bringing this to my attention as I am now going to have sleepless nights anticipating the monster of a hill. I guess if I can can get through this then the marathon will be a breeze!!!

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Note to self - drink more!

You really can't do a hard training session without the right fuel. I barely had a drink all day and it showed. It's just such a predicament, I'm on the road all day and the last thing I want is to drink loads otherwise I'll be forever stopping for comfort breaks. Hmmm need to resolve this one :-)

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Feeling better

I had a good run today, completed 14 miles on the flat which made a change from recent weeks of hill training. The first 7 miles was with company but then I had to repeat the exact same run again on my own which was more about mentally pushing myself than physically. That said the last mile felt more like 3, very hard going and dare I admit I had to run walk a little of it, but most importantly I was back closer to the 11 minute mile pace. What a difference a mid week Trevor session makes:-)
I also received some exciting news regarding sponsorship this week, I'm not going to tempt fate by announcing before everything is 100% sorted but it looks like I've secured a lovely amount from one of my favourite companies, yippee!! Watch this space for more information:-)))

Sunday, 31 January 2010

Going backwards fast!

I think those 3 weeks missed pounding the streets has well and truely set me back. I can't believe how badly I'm struggling with my long runs. Before Christmas I was a consistent 11 min miler when doing a double figure run, now I'm lucky to do 12. Rather worrying, serious work to be done and I think that means cross training twice a week. Really need to find a decent but cheap place to train. It was 12 weeks today, oh my. Thinking I need a miracle!

Monday, 25 January 2010

A slight wrong turn!

I had planned out a lovely new local route for my long run, however when I arrived at a cross roads my memory left me, left or right. I chose right, wrong choice! 2 hours and 48 mins after starting my run I finally made it home. I think I only did about 13 - 14 miles however it was hilly and from my 3 week break I am a little out of condition! I look forward to doing the route again however I think I'll wait a few weeks first. Today I ache...a lot!

Saturday, 23 January 2010

Flash the Tortoise

On our skiing holiday Heath renamed me, Flash, due to my endeavours on the slopes. I think this will now be the theme tune to my marathon...

Slowly steadily, I go at my own pace...
They call me Flash,
Though I don't dash,
No need to run a race,
As long as I get there, why worry...
What's the hurry.

Definitely a runner not a skier!

There is such a great effort to be made when skiing. First there's the boots that kill your feet, ankles and calves the moment you put them on. I lost feeling in my left foot when I did the boots up but then promptly got pins and needles. Once the boots are on then you need to suss out how to walk in them which is definitely easier said than done! I actually thought I was going to pass out from the way the boot was constricting the blood flow. Considering this is the 4th time skiing you would have thought I would be used to it by now! Then there is the actual act of skiing, sadly some people make this look easy, it's not. There is a bit of a catch 22 with skiing, you need to gather enough speed going downhill to be able to turn easy but the moment you start speeding it scares you and your natural reaction is to stop yourself, this is when you inevitably fall over. Of which I did many times, one fall I nearly impaled myself onto a piste pole! Despite the miles of ground covered running I'm still very unfit on the slopes, my thighs were aching just after half hour. Sadly there were no easy greens to save me, all the blue runs seem to have sneaky challenging steep bits, often too narrow to be able to glide from one side to the other. I discovered a great love of the chair lift, especially one which took 14 minutes to get back to the top. A lovely respite from the pain and fear and also a chance to take in the beautiful scenery. I did have the best hot chocolate ever which was also the most expensive at nearly £6! By the end of the day my shins and calves were really hurting and luckily Heath was aching too. Once I took my boots off I found the source of my pain, my ankles were all blistered from the pattern of the seams to my Long John's, at least I had something to show for the pain. All I can say is after a week skiing is BRING ON THE MARATHON!! What with the snow during the first 2 weeks of January and then the holiday, the training has taken a break. Tomorrow it restarts, no rest for the wicked.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Snow away!!!

Snowed in today, it arrived last night so no club night. I was going to head off to the gym tonight however there's no chance. Even more worryingly this is apparently set in for the next week or so, could someone kindly inform the weather that I need to train!!!
I've attached a couple of photo's as it does look pretty.

Sunday, 3 January 2010

First long run of the year - done!

I took it pretty slow this morning so definitely no personal best today but actually felt good at the end, so much so that I could have carried on. I debated for the whole of the last mile but as I had already been out for over 2 hours I figured hubby would be sending out the search party if I didn't return home soon. Probably best not to push myself so early on, plenty of time for that. Did a little tweaking of the training plan and found another 20 miler over Merthyr way, sounds as good as 20 miles can ;-) It's on the same day as a half I fancy doing though so decisions. decisions.
Still icy outside, which is probably another good reason not to do the 12th mile, yes I managed 11 this morning even though my thighs were slightly aching from Fridays exploits. Really need this snow and ice to go now, I'm dying to do my local route I've plotted and that's nothing to do with the pub that's en route! X training starts this week, still not sure what to do but think it will have to involve a gym, damn!

Friday, 1 January 2010

First race 0f 2010 done!

A cold and beautiful start to 2010 and a lovely 10k race to blow the cobwebs away. There were a couple of icy sections which hampered my time slightly, well that's my excuse anyway. Completed it in 59:35, not bad considering my lack of training over the holidays and it was an undulating course! Hard work starts now, need to find some cross training sessions now for Monday nights. Hot bath to warm up and then need to do an olbas steam in an attempt to get rid of my cold.
Happy New Year one and all!