Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Sniffles, last minute panics and outfit issues

It was always going to happen, on Sunday night it was the sore throat by Monday I was attacking the tissue box and now my head is full of cold but on the bright side I have 4 days to get over it. I've been busy googling all known speedy cures so am drinking loads, taking my vitamins and will be going to bed early tonight to try and sleep it off.
I did my last run last night, although dependent on how I feel on Saturday most training plans suggest jogging a couple of miles to loosen up the legs and presumably burn off a little nervous energy.
Despite the fact that I've had months to prepare, my habit of leaving everything to the last minute meant that on Monday I was panicking about the fact my only photo id (which I need for my race hip and number) was in my maiden name and of course my entry is in my married name. Prompt much deliberation over where the marriage certificate was, thankfully we found it so disaster averted!
Last night I excitedly picked up my race outfit from the printers, it looked fantastic however when I tried to put my top on I couldn't even get it over my head. Where the print has been put on the front and back it's tightened the fabric. Once I had managed to squeeze myself into the top I spent the evening stuffing extra padding inside trying to stretch it back out. Sadly it's not really helped, so on the advice of the printers it's in the washing machine trying to loosen up the print. Fingers crossed it will be okay, although looking at the weather forecast a long sleeve top and full length tights in temperatures of 22c is not ideal. Oh well, it's all part of the experience.
So, just 4 more sleeps.

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