Sunday, 4 April 2010

The hills are alive with the sound of screaming legs!

Apparently the hills didn't think I was paying them enough respect and so decided to murder my legs! The first 5 miles were fine, I kept to a 11 min mile pace and then met up with Fiona to do 10 miles of torture, I had no idea the hills were going to be that bad and I've run them before just not all linked up like that.
After 17 miles I was dying and landed up having to call hubby to walk with me for the last half mile just to get me back. The planned 21 turned into 20 although the flat equivalent was 21.5 with 1309 feet of climb, it took me 4hrs and 13 mins! My cold bath today was a joy although was accompanied by tears (and a cup of tea and custard creams), I really was shattered and hurting.
I know my legs are going to kill tomorrow so relieved that there's the extra day to recover.
Also glad that this is the last long run before the taper, definitely doing a lovely flat riverside run next Sunday with a max of 14 miles.
The lamb in the fridge is now being roasted tomorrow so for now it's onto the second chocolate bunny:-)

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