Wednesday, 17 February 2010

New born lambs, mad dogs and hills, hills, hills!

I had been given a lovely surprise from hubby of a meal out for valentines day, the only slight issue was that I needed to be back from my run by 12:15 at the latest. With that in mind I picked my route, another local one to avoid the added time of the drive home from Monmouth. Sunday morning was perfect running weather, cold but sunny and crisp and everywhere looked beautiful. I was enjoying a few tunes on the ipod and (sort of) happily running when all of a sudden bursting from a driveway was a mad dog, I let him take a smell of my hand and he sort of looked me up and down. As he had calmed down I started to run again and he seemed happy enough and he trotted back up the drive however he obviously decided I wasn't running fast enough and to be fair he was probably right and he came bounding after me again. It was a great incentive to run faster and he grew bored and ran back home thankfully. Not long after the mad dog I saw my first lambs of the season, they look so cute when there all bambi like still finding their feet. This was the first time I was adding the summit of Garway Hill into the run and what a day to pick, the view was absolutely stunning and so I used it as an excuse for a water and jelly bean break. The really good thing about being high up appreciating the view was that apart from the odd little uphill it was pretty much downhill from here. In the end I was out for a total of 2 hours and 52 minutes and had to crawl up the stairs when I arrived back. Sadly there was no time for a cold bath so I had to make do with a shot of cold from the shower to calm my leg muscles down. These hills don't seem to be getting any easier. Definitely in need of a flatter long run this Sunday.

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