Sunday, 11 April 2010

When 13 miles is short run...

Yes it's a taper time! I meant to do 14/15 today but didn't quite make it only did 13 due to poor planning, however more significantly it was all flat - yippee - and it was all at marathon pace.
I think it shows how far I've come when I can say that 13 miles is a short run:-)
Just think, this time in 2 weeks I will have my feet up on my mum's sofa with a medal round my neck (all being well!) it's just so exciting, although my mind is constantly fighting my positive thinking by saying how are you going to manage those extra 6 miles that you've never experienced before. I know everyone says adrenaline and the crowd will pull you through but unless one of them physically gives me their legs I'm not so sure about that!
Must not give in to this negativity!
One thing I'm sure of is that I'm going to keep the Sunday runs going of 10-15 miles so I can keep that base for the next time and yes, despite the killer hills, tears, muscle aches and general tiredness I know I'm going to do this all over again.
Was lovely to have good weather this weekend, actually sat on in the garden with my book for the first time this year, just one thing though...please don't be that hot in 2 weeks otherwise the vision of sitting on mum's sofa may turn into lying in a St John's ambulance!
Sorry - positive thinking only.

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