Aiming for 10 1/2 to 11 miles today, even though I managed 13 only a few weeks ago there's no way I could do that again yet, never felt so ill before. In fact just watching the last segment of the race on the telly is making me feel queasy! Still it felt good crossing that line.
BTW - got soaked again, early morning weather lulled me into a false sense of security but then in the last 20 mins the heavens opened, stupidly I wasn't wearing my wet weather gear, won't be making that mistake again. A very hilly 10 completed, flat equivalent 10.5 and burnt off over 900 calories...hmm cake would be good now:-)
...was watching that too and didn't spot any of us. All the funny outfits got on telly so perhaps next time...Well done on doing the 10 on Sunday :-)