Sunday, 2 October 2011

It's October and it's 29 degrees!!!!

I made a schoolgirl error Friday by not getting the run done and then again by getting up late which meant the last part of my run was in 29 degree heat. Boy that was exhausting. The first 10 miles went like a dream averaging at about 9:45 pace which is fantastic for me but then a combination of the heat and running out of fuel took it's toll and I did the 12.1 miles in 2hrs and 1min which I'm still dead chuffed with for a training run.
It did make me realise I need to stock up the gels, I can't do it without them. The most exciting thing is that a sub 2:10 half is now a real possibility, need to start taking my vitamins to guard against a cold!

I'm going to go to circuit training again tomorrow night, even though it actually killed me last Monday and took until Friday to get full use of my arms. I think doing the core work and sprints will help me achieve my goal. Bring on the pain!!!!

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