Sunday, 30 October 2011

Just when you think your getting better...

Back down to earth with a bump today, in preparation of the Elan Valley race in 3 weeks time I did a hilly 8 miles today. The first gentle hilly section was hard but I was coping. Sadly the same can't be said about the next 4 miles. All that flat training for the Cardiff Half has left me sadly lacking when attempting this lovely Welsh countryside, I can't believe I'm writing this but I had to walk up 2 hills, I just didn't have the puff to get me to the top. Of course whenever I saw a car I tried to plod along but not for long!
Much work needed as I'm wanting to take 8 minutes off last years time. Overall I still did ok, with an average of 10:14 miles, 8.07 in 1:22. Just know that the race is hillier than today's route. Oh well, still 3 weeks to go and apparently our next speed session involves hills!

Currently in the pub watching QPR losing badly to Spurs, have a horrible feeling this is going to be a massacre so the day ins't getting better! Tempted to some pork scratchings...

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Another Cardiff Half, another PB!

Yiippee!! Despite a very nasty stitch at mile 9 that cost me about 2 mins, I took nearly 4 minutes off my time. Official chip time was 2:06:59, I was determined to get over that line before the clock changed to 2:07!!

My Garmin said I ran 13.26 miles (lots of weaving around) with an average pace of 9:35 min miles. You would not believe how happy that makes me;-)

New targets are a sub 2:05 half, lose 10lbs and a sub 5hr marathon. That's the trouble with running once you achieve one target it just creates another one!

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

I'm a runner!!!!

I've been going along to running club now for 3 years, it's a great all inclusive club which is incredibly friendly and one in which I've been able to plod along with and have a good chat at the same time. I've made true friends that have helped me through the past few months and even provided me with a social life.
Despite the fact that I've been doing this for 3 years it has only been in the past few weeks when I've actually thought - I'm a runner! I'm not sure what prompted this thought. It may have been my consistent 10 minute miles, the fact that I've now run 2 marathons (and booked my place for a third) or maybe it's just that even on a horrible wet day I still put my trainers on and run. Who knows when it happened but what I do know is that tonight I ran like a demon!!!
Normally I sit somewhere towards the back of the intermediate group but tonight I was right at the front the whole night and it wasn't until the final hill that I started to fade. I felt strong.
I felt like a runner and you have no idea how happy that makes me.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

It's October and it's 29 degrees!!!!

I made a schoolgirl error Friday by not getting the run done and then again by getting up late which meant the last part of my run was in 29 degree heat. Boy that was exhausting. The first 10 miles went like a dream averaging at about 9:45 pace which is fantastic for me but then a combination of the heat and running out of fuel took it's toll and I did the 12.1 miles in 2hrs and 1min which I'm still dead chuffed with for a training run.
It did make me realise I need to stock up the gels, I can't do it without them. The most exciting thing is that a sub 2:10 half is now a real possibility, need to start taking my vitamins to guard against a cold!

I'm going to go to circuit training again tomorrow night, even though it actually killed me last Monday and took until Friday to get full use of my arms. I think doing the core work and sprints will help me achieve my goal. Bring on the pain!!!!

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

New starts and a new marathon

Well it's been nearly a year since I last blogged and I think it's about time I started again. So much has happened I felt tempted to change the title but I'm still on the marathon trail so it is still apt.
My second attempt landed up being slightly quicker at 5:23 but I still crashed and burned at the half way mark. I've done much procrastinating over why and when it went wrong. Maybe it was the overly hilly training for a flat race, maybe it was the pressure I put myself under or maybe it was the 5 o/c breakfast that left me starving during the race. Whatever it was hasn't put me off a third attempt but this time I have changed location. So next May I'll be flying up to Edinburgh to take part in what is described as "The fastest Marathon in the UK" surely I can break a sub 5 hours there!
There have been a few changes since last year but will move onto that later, for now this is just a quick update to say I'm back!!