Wednesday, 28 September 2011

New starts and a new marathon

Well it's been nearly a year since I last blogged and I think it's about time I started again. So much has happened I felt tempted to change the title but I'm still on the marathon trail so it is still apt.
My second attempt landed up being slightly quicker at 5:23 but I still crashed and burned at the half way mark. I've done much procrastinating over why and when it went wrong. Maybe it was the overly hilly training for a flat race, maybe it was the pressure I put myself under or maybe it was the 5 o/c breakfast that left me starving during the race. Whatever it was hasn't put me off a third attempt but this time I have changed location. So next May I'll be flying up to Edinburgh to take part in what is described as "The fastest Marathon in the UK" surely I can break a sub 5 hours there!
There have been a few changes since last year but will move onto that later, for now this is just a quick update to say I'm back!!